PrimaryClinic Latest Version

PrimaryClinic will be releasing PrimaryClinic Practice 1.4.8 and Medical 3.3.9from 24th May 2018; these versions incorporate new features such as:

  • Electronic TAC Claims
  • Consent to upload ereports to My Health Record
  • Licence expiry reminders
  • As well other enhancements and bug fixes

Our team will get in touch with you to facilitate the update. However, if you would like to have the upgrade before you hear from the team, get in touch and let us know of the times you prefer.

Email Us

Development of PrimaryClinic’s Electronic TAC Claims, in partnership with LaternPay, is now complete and ready to use.

We undertook a pilot program in late February 2018 and are glad to inform you that the pilot went extremely well. Our team is confident that you will benefit from the associated features in this upgrade.

Once the upgrade is applied, you will be able to:

  • Confirm if a TAC client is eligible for accident related services.
  • Easily create and submit claims.
  • Receive instant confirmation that claims have been approved.
  • Get paid by the TAC for approved claims the next business day.

We have provided a user guide on our website to explain what you need to do to enable Electronic TAC Claims as well as how to submit claims online to TAC and get payments.

Read TAC Claim User Guide

New Checkbox for Withdrawal of Consent to Upload Reports on My Health Record:

Pathology and diagnostic imaging providers have started uploading reports to My Health Record. More and more of these reports are expected to be available in My Health Record as all Australians will automatically have a My Health Record by end of 2018.

PrimaryClinic Medical version 3.3.9 has a new checkbox on the Pathology and Diagnostic Imaging Request screen. This is where healthcare providers can indicate whether the patient has withdrawn their consent to upload the report(s) to the My Health Record system.

The check box and the “Do not send reports to My Health Record” statement is also printed at the bottom right corner of the clinical notes/reason for examination area, and the consent status is saved against each request for auditing and tracking purposes.

Please Note:

  • Clients who are already using PrimaryClinic Medical will need to upgrade to the new version to take advantage of this My Health Record update.
  • If you are only using PrimaryClinic Practice, adding PrimaryClinic Medical is the most convenient way to enable access to My Health Record.

Email Us to Upgrade Now

All New Licence Expiry Reminders:

PrimaryClinic Practice 1.4.8 and Medical 3.3.9 will remind you 30 days before your licence expires to ensure that you are always on top of your licence renewal. The reminder will pop up and disappear after 5 seconds (so as not to interrupt your workflow) every time you log in until a new licence key has been entered.

An Important Notice On Data Backup:

Several practices have been attacked by a crypto virus in the last couple of months. When this happens, the practice would need to restore their data from the most recent backup to minimise data loss.

We would like to suggest some key steps to minimise the impact of these attacks:

  • Back up your data frequently
  • Make sure your backup is stored in several locations including off-site
  • Make sure you regularly test your backups

You are ultimately responsible for backing up your data and regularly verifying your backups to make sure they are in good condition. You may, if you haven’t already done so, make arrangements with your IT service provider to ensure they undertake a regular data backup.

We are happy to provide you with support for the PrimaryClinic software but are not responsible for backing up your data unless your PrimaryClinic software is hosted in our cloud.

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