Your first step towards a Fax Free Year with Secure Messaging

Swap paper for Secure Messaging

Cut administrative costs by saying good-bye to the fax machine. Configure your PrimaryClinic Medical software with ReferralNet for Secure Messaging.

Use ReferralNet Secure Messaging directly from your PrimaryClinic Medical software. This means that you can send documents directly from your letter and clinical note writer and easily receive documents to save against your client files.

Typically, ReferralNet fits into your existing workflow. After you write your letter or note in your letter writer, instead of printing the document or letter you will have the opportunity to send via ReferralNet. You can then select the recipient from your address book for the document or letter to be sent to.

By eliminating the need for faxing and posting, your patient’s privacy is protected. When using Secure Messaging for clinical document exchange, only the authorised recipients will see the referrals, test results and letters.

If you are not currently using Secure Messaging and want to say goodbye to the fax machine, please contact the PrimaryClinic support team to get started.

Learn more about using secure messaging and sharing your ReferralNet ID on the ReferralNet website.


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